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I cannot say is thats an option for other sites. Aparece como activado pero no puedo enviar ni recibir archivos Alguien sabe como solucionarlo?? Saludos Alejandro octubre 10th, 2009 at 0:38 Hola a todos! Les Comento para los que tienen dudas acerca del flasheo: 1 Se borra absolutamente todo lo que sea mensajes de texto, configuraciones del operador (gprs, mms, etc), si tienes los contactos guardados en el telefono, haz una copia en la sim card sino lo pierdes. He desbloqueado las siguientes dos opciones en phonex phonepad (deslizando) options phone autolock (lo desmarque) y Autolock window (tambin lo desmarque). And also to pay a little contribution to xda-developers, MoDaCo and all similar sites, cuz I've learned so much from you guys, I love you and thanks a million times. gracias franlov en primer lugar. El problema se presenta cuando he bloqueado como dije antes el tel y recibo una llamada, es ahi cuando no puedo atender la llamada. Me podra ayudar alguien? David enero 14th, 2010 at 18:29 La he puesto hoy y no me convence. Saludos! P.D: Es ms, intento canviar el tema tambin con el SPB Mobile Shell y no hace ni puto caso, solo me canvia la foto de fondo pero el color de la barra de inicio NO. Nueva ROM en Espaol!!. the only thing i can see that is missing is office mobile.
cammi123 1 Newbie Members 1 4 posts Devices:samsung omnia sgh-i900 Posted December 16, 2012 Well done dreccon, thats what i am talking about :) Can you confirm that its working? chat, call, etc? Cuz there are several skype for PPC out, that are not working. What can I do, once you go Omnia i900, there is no turning back, I just love this phone and I'm still not ready to drop it cuz it works like a charm (after almost 3 years). This apps are uploaded as they are, It was nothing modified and are the latest of their versions. Jun 05, 2012 I have been given a Samsung Omnia i900 with Windows Mobile 6.1. And to pay a little contribution of xda-developers, MoDaCo and all similar sites, cuz I've learned a lot from you guys, I love you and thanks a million times. The main reason why I did this is that searching across various forums but mainly on xda-developers, MoDaCo, and PPCgeeks I came across lots of invalid links about posted programs. A ver si entre todos encontramos una solucin. BorisGVG 16 Regular Members 16 112 posts Location:Gevgelija, Republic of Macedonia Interests:Too many :)) Devices:Samsung ATIV S & Omnia i900 Posted December 2, 2012 (edited) my friend i can't download from 4shared . Bookmark Windows 6.5 & Touch FLO (HTC software) run on my SAMSUNG OMNIA SGH-i900 (OMNIA 1) Windows 6.5 & Touch FLO (HTC s. Sera que me cuesta muchisimo deshacerme del spb mobile shell, pero me doy cuenta de que lo unico que uso de 6.5 son los menues de opciones que estan mas lindos.
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